Gluta Max Skin Whitening Cream contains SPF 25, providing adequate protection against harmful UV rays and preventing skin damage. The added soybean extract helps reduce hair growth while promoting anti-aging properties in the skin.
GlutaMax Instant White Matte Finish Body Cream is designed to provide full coverage for arms and legs, protecting them from tanning. The GlutaMax Lightening and Moisturizing Lotion offers dual benefits: it keeps your skin hydrated while preventing an uneven complexion caused by melanin darkening.
The key ingredient in Gluta Max is glutathione, a natural antioxidant found in skin cells. This powerful agent works by deactivating the enzyme tyrosinase, which is responsible for producing darker skin pigments, thereby lightening the skin tone effectively.
Most emollients, including GlutaMax, are generally safe to use without major side effects. However, mild reactions such as burning, stinging, redness, or irritation may occur in some cases. If any of these symptoms persist or worsen, consult a doctor or pharmacist immediately.
GlutaMax Whitening Cream in Pakistan contains glutathione, which helps brighten and lighten the skin. As a master antioxidant, glutathione combats free radicals that cause skin damage while promoting an even skin tone.
Gluta Max Cream helps in managing and preventing conditions such as dark skin, age spots, freckles, and pigmentation. It nourishes the skin, enhancing its overall texture and restoring a youthful glow. With regular use, your skin becomes visibly lighter, smoother, and blemish-free.